Snack on almonds.
In a study of 65 men and women who were following a low calorie diet, California researchcers found that those who noshed on the nuts shrank their waistlines nearly 50 per cecnt more than dieters who didn't eat them, despite consuming the same number of calories. Likewise, even without increasing exercise, a diet enriched with monounsaturated fatty acids (found in foods suchc as almonds and avocados) decreased the accumulation of abdominal fat compared with a carb-heavy diet, which increased it.
Fill up on fibre
"When you slow digestion, you slow the delivery of glucose to the bloodstream" says Marie Savard, M.D., author of "The Body Shape Solution to Weight Loss and Wellness". "That means less insulin is released, and with lower insulin release comes lower visceral (belly) fat storage." Aim for atleast 25 GMs a day from such foods as vegetables, fruits, beans lentils, brown rice, and whole grain bread, and pasta.
Stay satisfied with protein
Gram for gram protein has the same number of calories as carbs (and half that of fat), but takes longer to digest, so you feel full longer. It also seems to help lower levels of the hormone ghrelin, which is known to stimulate appetite. Include a serving of lean protein with each meal and snack-eggs for breakfast, a turkey sandwich for lunch, low-fat or fat-free yoghurt or milk for a snack, and grilled fish and vegetables for dinner.
Skip the sweetener.
Researchers believe artificial sweetners may hinder your body's ability to regulate calories based on taste, so you end up overeating. Go with natural sweetner, such as raw sugar or honey, instead.
Dum one high-cal item from your diet
By eliminating just one-high calorie item from your dialy diet, such as a large latte, or substituting cereal and low-fat milk for a bagel and cream cheese, you can easily reduce your intake by 250 calories.
Courtsey:New York Times Service
In a study of 65 men and women who were following a low calorie diet, California researchcers found that those who noshed on the nuts shrank their waistlines nearly 50 per cecnt more than dieters who didn't eat them, despite consuming the same number of calories. Likewise, even without increasing exercise, a diet enriched with monounsaturated fatty acids (found in foods suchc as almonds and avocados) decreased the accumulation of abdominal fat compared with a carb-heavy diet, which increased it.
Fill up on fibre
"When you slow digestion, you slow the delivery of glucose to the bloodstream" says Marie Savard, M.D., author of "The Body Shape Solution to Weight Loss and Wellness". "That means less insulin is released, and with lower insulin release comes lower visceral (belly) fat storage." Aim for atleast 25 GMs a day from such foods as vegetables, fruits, beans lentils, brown rice, and whole grain bread, and pasta.
Stay satisfied with protein
Gram for gram protein has the same number of calories as carbs (and half that of fat), but takes longer to digest, so you feel full longer. It also seems to help lower levels of the hormone ghrelin, which is known to stimulate appetite. Include a serving of lean protein with each meal and snack-eggs for breakfast, a turkey sandwich for lunch, low-fat or fat-free yoghurt or milk for a snack, and grilled fish and vegetables for dinner.
Skip the sweetener.
Researchers believe artificial sweetners may hinder your body's ability to regulate calories based on taste, so you end up overeating. Go with natural sweetner, such as raw sugar or honey, instead.
Dum one high-cal item from your diet
By eliminating just one-high calorie item from your dialy diet, such as a large latte, or substituting cereal and low-fat milk for a bagel and cream cheese, you can easily reduce your intake by 250 calories.
Courtsey:New York Times Service