Friday, September 7, 2007

How Pranayama helps i curing diseases!!

Practising breathing exercises improve breathing, reduce tension and stress and support the immune system.

The body's immune system plays a pivotal role in the prevention of colds and nasal allergies. Practising the Yog Mudra and breathing exercises improve breathing, reduce tension and stress and support the immune system. The Ling Mudra when practised with Pranayam cures congestion in the chest. Sinusitis can be alleviated considerably by regular practise of these techniques.

Deep breathing techniques like the Bhastrika help in inhaling more oxygen into the lungs, which helps in alleviating colds, congestion, and sinus. Pranayam naturally massages the air passage in the throat and strengthens the neck tissues. Pranayam should be practised in an open-air setting. Inhale and exhale through your nose rapidly for 30 seconds to one minute. Relax for a few seconds and repeat the exercise. The breath is not restrained at any time during this kriya. This kriya can be repeated for around 7-8 times and should never be practised just after eating a meal.

Rapid Sun Breathing:
The left nostril denotes the moon while the right nostril denotes the sun. Close the left nostril and inhale deeply through the right nostril. Without restraining the breath exhale through the right nostril. The entire cycle should last between 30 seconds to one minute. Repeat this kriya 5-6 times. This technique generates heat energy in the chest and helps to burn accumulated mucus and clear the nasal cavity region. This kriya must be practised outdoors.

Ling Mudra:
Join both palms and entwine the fingers together. Keep your right thumb straight and upright. The upright thumb must be encircled by the other thumb and index finger. This mudra increases the fire element of the body which causes an increase in the amount of heat energy generated in the body. The practise of the Ling Mudra helps in curing cold infections and also heals chest complications arising out of cough tridosh.

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