Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Diabetics, say no caffeine!!

Diabetics who drink tea and coffee every day are increasing their blood sugar levels and undermining efforts to bring their condition under control, scicentists have discovered.

Researchers in the US say that although there are no gudielines warning patients with diabtetes against consuming caffeine, that may have to change.

The study, conducted by Dr.James Lane from Duke Univesity Medical Center, in Durham, North Caroina, is the first to track the impact of caffeine consumption as patients go about their normal lives.

Researchers monitored 10 regular coffee drinkers with established type 2 diabetes who were managing their disease through diet and exercise but with no extra insulin.

The patients were fitted with a tiny monitor which continously tracked their glucose levels over a 72-hour period. Each took capsules equal to four cups of coffee on one day, and identical capsules containing a placecbo on another.

All were free to eat whatevevr they liked. Researchers found that when the participants cconsumed caffeine, their average daily sugar levels went up eight percent.

Caffeine also exaggerated the rise in glucose after meals, increasing by nine percent after breakfast, 15 percent after lunch and 26 percent after dinner.

The findings, which appear in the February issue of Diabetes care, add more weight to a growing body of research which suggests eliminating caffeine from the diet might be a good way to manage blood sugar levels.

Dr.Lane said: "Coffee is such a common drink in our society that we forget that it contains a very powerful drug - Caffeine. Our study suggests that one way to lower blood sugar is to simply quit drinking coffee, or any other caffeinated beverages."

It futher studies corrborate the results, Dr.Lane says there would be a case for doctors to instruct patients with diabetes to banish caffeine from their diets altogether.

Black-berry (Kalajam)

Botanically it is known as Polianthes tuberosa. It is a large tree 20 to 60 ft. high or sometimes more. The leaves are elliptical, usually 6 to 12 inches long. The fruits are black containing juicy, fleshy rind and are delicious and nutritious too. It is one-seeded fruit and the seed is usually a large one. The tree is extensively cultivated all over India for its fruits.

Black-berries are available only during summer months. The fruit juice is valuable in summer time as it subsides bile (pitta). It presents sun-stroke, heat­stroke and keeps the body cool. It has special qualities to stop vomiting and travel sickness.

Medicinal uses of black-berry :
The bark, fruits and seeds of the tree are medicinal. The bark is very astringent and is given in sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, ulcers and dysentery; it is also used for purifying blood. The fresh juice of the bark with goat's milk is given in diarrhoea. The seeds are very useful diabetes. The fruit juice cures burning sensation of hands and feet. It subsides excessive heat in the body.

Benefit and uses of Black-berry.
Black raspberries' ability to slow the growth of certain cancers. Extracts of raspberries and blackberries may slow or reverse the growth of breast, cervical, colon, oral and esophageal cancers.
60–80 % reduction in colon tumors in rats fed a diet with black raspberries added.
Phenolic compounds such as ellagic acid, gallic acid and rutin contribute to the health benefits of black raspberries.
A cordial from the juice of the blackberry has been used in the past as a stimulate for the body and heart, and is helpful in overcoming an illness.
Blackberries have been used through the ages for a variety of medicina purposes, from diarrhea to a general restorative.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B2 is also known as riboflavin and it is readily absorbed from foods, such as meat, dairy products, and fortified grains. This vitamin is essential to energy generation, nerve development, blood cell development, and the regulation of certain hormones. It is required by the body to use oxygen and the metabolism of amino acids, fatty acids, and carbohydrates. Riboflavin is further needed to activate vitamin B6 and helps to create niacin and assists the adrenal gland.

Functions and benefits of Vitamin B 2
.Vitamin B1 has a number of important functions and benefits. For example it:
.It helps burn carbohydrates, fat and protein
.Necessary for good vision, skin, hair and nails
.Eliminates soreness of mouth and lips
.important for good muscle tone

Recommended Dosage for Vitamin B 2
.For men, the usual dose of Vitamin B2 is 1.7 mg.
.For women, the usual dose of Vitamin B2 is 1.3 mg.
.For Pregnant women, the usual dose of Vitamin B2 is 1.6 mg.
.For Lactating women, the recommanded dose of Vitamin B2 is 1.8 mg.

Food sources of Vitamin B 2
.Brewer's Yeast
.Pulses, such as lentils
.Eggs, especially whites of egg
.Green leafy vegetables and whole grain breads
.Organ meats, such liver and tongue

Deficiency Symptoms of Vitamin B2
.cracked mouth and tongue
.scaly skin

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Pneumonia refers to the inflammation of the lungs.It is one of the most serious infectious diseases. The disease assumes alarming proportions if both the lungs are affected; this condition is called double pneumonia in common parlance.

Pneumonia symptoms
Cold in the head or throat,shivering fever
Most cases of pneumonia begin with a cold in the head or throat. The patient generally feels a chill, shivering fever, difficulty in breathing, and sharp pain in the chest. This may be followed by a cough with pinkish sputum, which may later become brownish. In young children, the disease may cause delirium and convulsions. The temperature may rise to 40.6 degree C and the pulse may go upto 150 beats per minute. A common complication of pneumonia is pleurisy.

Pneumonia causes
Germs and viruses
Pneumonia is caused by various types of germs such as streptococcus, staphylococcus, and pneumococcus. At times, certain viruses are also responsible for this disease.
Fungal infections and toxins in the body
Other causes are fungal infections, irritation by worms, inhaling foreign matter, irritant dust or noxious gases. The real cause of pneumonia, however, is a constitution weakened by the presence of toxins in the body, especially in the lungs and air passages. The accumulation of toxins is due to wrong feeding habits and a faulty lifestyle.

Home Remedies for Pneumonia

Pneumonia treatment using Fenugreek (methi)
During the early acute stage of pneumonia, a tea made from fenugreek seeds will help the body to produce perspiration, dispel toxicity, and shorten the period of fever. Upto four cups of the tea can be taken daily. The quantity can be reduced as the condition improves. To improve the flavour of the tea, a few drops of lemon juice may be added. During this treatment, no other food or nourishment should be taken, as fasting and fenugreek will allow the body to correct these respiratory problems in a few days.
Pneumonia treatment using Garlic (adrak)
Garlic is a marvellous remedy for pneumonia, if given in sufficient quantities. It brings down the temperature, as well as the pulse and respiration within forty-eight hours. A paste of garlic can also be applied externally on the chest with beneficial results as it is an irritant and rubefacient
Pneumonia treatment using Sesame Seeds (til)
Sesame seeds are valuable in pneumonia. An infusion of the seeds can be made by steeping 15 gm of seeds in 250 ml of water. This infusion, mixed with a tablespoon of linseed, a pinch of common salt, and a dessertspoon of honey, should be given in the treatment of this disease. This will help remove catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes.
Pneumonia treatment using Parsnip Juice (Mooli)
The juice of parsnip, a root vegetable botanically known as Pastinaca sativa, has been found beneficial in the treatment of pneumonia. The juice of the leaves and root of this plant possess high therapeutic value. The phosphorus and chlorine elements contained therein are of particular benefit to the lungs and the bronchial system, thus making the juice an excellent home remedy for pneumonia. The patient should take 250 ml of juice daily. It is however, essential that only the juice of the cultivated parsnip plant should be used for this purpose. The wild variety must not be used in juices as it contains some poisonous ingredients.
Pneumonia treatment using Other vegetable Juices
The juice of carrots, in combination either with spinach juice, or beet and cucumber juices, has also been found useful in pneumonia. In these combinations, 200 ml of spinach juice or 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juices should be mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice to prepare 500 ml or half a litre of combined juice.
Pneumonia treatment using Turpentine Oil
The pain of pneumonia can be relieved by rubbing oil of turpentine over the rib cage and wrapping warmed cotton wool over it.

Pneumonia diet
Raw fruit and vegetable juices diet
At the beginning of the treatment the patient should be kept on a diet of raw juices for five to ten days, depending on the severity of the disease. He should take a glass of fruit or vegetable juice diluted with warm water, every two or three hours. After a diet of raw juices, when the fever subsides, the patient should spent three or four days on an exclusive fresh fruit diet, taking three meals a day of juicy fruits.
Well-balanced diet of natural foods
Thereafter, he may gradually adopt a well-balanced diet of natural foods, with emphasis on fresh fruits and raw vegetables.

Other Pneumonia treatment
Warm-water enema
The patient should be given a warn-water enema daily to cleanse the bowels during the period of raw juice therapy and the all-fruit diet, and thereafter when necessary.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

CUCUMBER (Kheera/Kakdi)!!

It is a creeping plant of the cucurbitaceae family probably originating in India and widely cutivated for its fruit. It is a tender annual with a rough, succulent trailing stem and hairy leaves with 3 to 5 pointed lobes; the stem bears branched tendrils, by which the plant creeps through the supports.

The food value of cucumber is low; but it is popular for salads and relishes. Fresh cucumber should be firm, well-shaped and bright green in colour. They may be kept in refrigerated storage for about 2 weeks.

It is a very favourite fruit during hot summer months as it keeps the body cool and calm. It subsides pitta (bile) and aids digestion. It prevents sun-stroke, heat-stroke and allergy. It quenches thirst.

Benefit and uses of Cucumber.
Cucumber is a great folk medicine used to reduce heat and inflammation.
Cucumber is in helping to heal a range of illnesses – including lung, stomach and chest problem, gout, arthritis and tapeworm.
It makes it useful in maintaining the alkalinity of the blood.
Cucumber's benefits include natural salts, enzymes, and vitamins essential for strong cell growth and repair.
Cucumber facial is powerful and can bring great results for your skin.
It is cools and heals sunburns and windburns.
Cucumber has been used externally for minor burns, sore eyes and conjunctivitis.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Worms Definition
Worms in the human body also known as Threadworms or pinworms, are small threadlike worms that lives in the lower part of the small intestine, and the upper part of the colon. The pinworms infesting the human intestines and rectum; they effect especially in children.

The pinworms cause itching, and usually are not harmful to the body. The pinworms spread by children scratching their buttocks and carrying the pinworm eggs that can live up to two weeks outside the body. The pinworms spread indirectly, in food, sand and more.

. Constipation / diarrhea
. Abdominal pain
. Flatulence
. Anemia
. Anorexia
. Huge appetite
. Itching of anus
. Pica

The occurrence of the following worms in different parts of body in children causes this ailment:
The occurrence of the following worms in different parts of body in children causes this ailment:
. Kaphaj- produced in the stomach
. Raktaj- produced in the blood vessels
. The worm Purishaj (produced in the intestines) encompasses all the following worms also, which are responsible for infestation:
. Giardiasis
. Ascariasis
. Amebiasis
. Thread worm
. Hook worm
. Tape worm

. Krimimudger ras
. Krimikuthar ras
. Vidangarishta

Potency / Virya

. Onion juice removes thread worms.
Dosage: Three drops to one teaspoon twice daily
. Neem powder removes all types of worms.
Dosage: 1 to 4 grams twice daily.
. Pinch of asafoetida wrapped in small pieces of jaggery.
Dosage: Half an hour before meals.

. 7 - 12 year
20 grams of jaggery in the morning
After 10 minutes give Celery seeds (Ajwain) + salt (2 grams of celery seeds and one gram of salt) with warm water. This recipe eliminates all types of worms.

Home Remedies for Worms

How to Cure Worms with Natural Treatments
. Use one garlic clove, smear with Vaseline and apply (into the buttocks)to kill the worms.
. Eat 1-2 garlic cloves.
. Grind lupine seeds and eat them.
. Don't eat sugar it will make the situation worse.
. Mix 60gm of grind pumpkin seeds (with the peel) with honey and water. Eat the mixture In 3 portions every 2 hours.

Dos and don'ts
. Avoid too many sweets and puddings, very fried, greasy and fast foods.
. Take more green vegetables and fresh fruits.
. Use only boiled water
. Personal hygiene
. Restrict diet to only home made foods

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Home Remedies for Pimples!!!

Pimples are serious adolescence problem of the skin. They appear on the cheeks, forehead and nose and spoil looks. Pimples are almost developed in young adults and teenagers due to the inflammation of skin. The acne home remedies listed below have worked for many people, but they may not work for some people. Pimples can be removed by taking enough vitamins, calcium, fruits etc. Try out these home remedies to cure pimples.

Pimples Home Remedies
. Mix 1 tablespoon groundnut oil with 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples.
. Another overnight home remedy for zapping a zit is to put a dab of toothpaste on it to help dry it out. You may need to test this on a short-term basis to make sure it doesn't irritate your pimple. Calamine lotion will have the same drying effect.
. Honey is a great remedy for pimples and acne. It kills bacteria and leaves the skin pimple free.
. A common home remedy for pimples is toothpaste. Use the paste variety, not gel and gently apply a small drop directly on top of the blemish and let it dry. This will draw the pimple out and leave you blemish free. If left on too long, the skin may become irritated.
. Juice of raw papaya is the best treatment for pimples. Apply fresh juice of raw papaya on pimples and get a good result.
. Take a raw potato, peel and grate it. Put the grated into a muslin piece and tie it tightly to form a pad. Rub this pad all over the face in the firm, circular motions for about 5 minutes and then wash your face. Alternatively you could directly rub potato slices all over the face, Helps to get rid of blemishes and pimple scar.
. Take a few pods of cloves and roast them dry in a pan. Powder them and add a little curd to make be a paste. Dab the paste on the pimples and let it dry. Wash off. Use this treatment regularly if you are prone to pimples. It is especially good for people who have an oily skin. The roasted cloves help to dry up the pimples faster.
. A few handy tips for those who suffer from pimple 'attacks'. Drink plenty of water and vegetable or fruit juices. Use cucumber or other fruit and vegetable packs to cure pimple scars. Maintain a diet that is rich in cottage cheese, fish and yoghurt. These help to cleanse your system and ward off pimples.

Pimples treatment using Zinc
Another useful remedy for acne and pimples is zinc. It should be taken in a dose of 50 mg daily for a month to reduce pimples. Then you can reduce the dose if noticeable improvements are seen on your skin.

Pimples treatment using Orange peel
. Homemade Pimple Treatment using Orange peel has been found very effective. Pound the orange peel with water on a piece stone and apply to acne affected areas.
. Mix equal amount of lemon juice and groundnut oil to form a paste. Apply on face and leave for 15 minutes and then wash off with water. Another good remedy to prevent pimples.
. Marigold petals crushed with a little castor oil can bring the zit to its head quickly. To suppress it, sandalwood paste with holy basil leaf helps.
. To avoid transferring bacteria and germs, clean your pillowcase, washcloths, towels, make-up brushes and applicators frequently.
. Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for acne, pimples, blackheads, and cracked skin .
. Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever.
. Use of sulphur soap is effective in keeping the oil glands clean and thus reducing pimples and acne. Grease can be removed by the use of lemon juice or camphor­spirit.
. Blend cucumber and make a paste. Apply this as a mask on your face and leave it for 1/2 hour and then rinse. This refreshes your skin and prevents acne.
. A mask of grated apple mixed with a little honey is an excellent remedy for pimples. Most facial masks can be applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes then washed off with warm water, followed by a cold rinse.
. Avoid consuming ghee, butter oils and sweets.

. The Pimple affected parts must be thoroughly cleaned and wiped with a soft towel.
. Cleanse the face free of make-up at night and before going to bed.
. Fuller's earth (multani mitti) pack is an effective means to control pimples.
. Daily intake of a spoonful of honey mixed with rose water clears the skin.
. Too much fingering and bursting of pimples causes septic and may leave behind permanent marks and damages to your looks.
. Grind Neem leaves and turmeric. Mix with water to make a paste. It should be rubbed on the pimple or scars, this helps clear away the spots.
. Carbohydrate foods with low glycemic index or a low GI diet can improve acne by 50%.
. Grind nutmeg (jaiphal) with unboiled milk and apply on acne for 1-2 hours. This works as a magic. Pimples should disappear without leaving a mark.
. Make a paste by mixing honey and cinnamon powder. Apply this paste onthe pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever.
. Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder. Note that this remedy is not for sensitive skin.
. Make orange peel paste by grinding it in some water. Apply on and around pimples.
. Rub fresh garlic on and around pimples. Pimples will disappear without a mark with regular applications.
. Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, & other skin infections.
. Ground drumstick pods and leaves and mix mixed with fresh lime juice, and apply on pimples. This is also good for blackheads and dark spots.
. Mix groundnut oil with an equal amount of fresh lime juice and apply on face. Leave for 10-15 minutes and wash. It may be applied daily to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples (acne).
. Apply juice of raw papaya (including the skin and seed) on swelling pimples or acne.
. Mix lime juice and rose water in equal portions. Apply on affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.
. Apply ripe tomatoes pulp on acne pimples and keep upto 1 hour, then wash.
. Make a paste of roasted & powdered pomegranate skin with fresh lime juice and apply over boils, acne, pimple, blackheads and whiteheads.
. Apply grated potatoes as poultice to treat skin blemishes, wrinkles, boils, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads , etc.
. Make a paste of sandalwood with rose water. Apply on affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.
. Make a paste of ground radish seeds with water and apply on face to remove blackheads.
. Apply a paste of Ground Sesame seeds with water as poultice for inflammation of the skin due to allergies, skin rashes, and pimples - acne.
. Apply a paste of fresh fenugreek (methi) leaves in water over the face every night and washed with warm water in the morning for preventing pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, dryness, and wrinkles.
. Make a paste of ground orange peel with water and apply on the affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.
. Make a paste of salt in vinegar. Rub it on the pimples. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.
. Make a paste of turmeric powder in mint juice. Apply on affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.
. Drinking of wheatgrass juice may remove acne.

How to reduce pimples:
· Regularly shampoo your hair.
· Avoid unnecessarily touching your affected areas.
· Change your dirty cloths , always wear clean and fresh cloth.
· Wash your face twice a day with mild soap.
· Avoid over make-up, only wear on special occasions.
· Try to minimize your stress levels.
· Keep a food diary to work out.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.

Friday, January 11, 2008


What is Groin Strain?
The abductor muscles are 5 in number, and start at the top of the thigh and extend to the inside of the knee. Microscopic ruptures or a major tear to the abductor muscles are called groin pulls or groin strains.

Symptoms of Groin Strain
1. After a quick movement or over-exertion, there is a sudden sharp pain in the upper inner thigh.
2. The strained area is extremely tender.
3. With continued movement and activity, there is increase in the stiffness and pain. In severe cases walking is painful and crutches have to be used for several days.

Causes of Groin Strain
1. Whenever you are involved in twisting, kicking actions, jumping or explosive running; when you run on a slippery surface or make a quick turn the abductor muscles maybe strained.

Home remedies for Groin Strain
1. Stop exercising the moment you experience pain in the inner thigh.
2. Apply ice for 10minutes to the sore spot, 3 to 4 times daily for 2 – 3 days.
3. Use an elastic support bandage to wrap the injured thigh.
4. Proper rehabilitation and strengthening of the muscles should be carried out, which may last for 2 weeks or as long as 2 years.

Preventing Groin Strain
1. Before beginning any exercise you should warm up properly. Gentle stretching along with the 2 strengthening exercises mentioned below also provides benefits.

1. Butterfly Stretch – Sit on the floor with a straight back and bent knees. Place the soles of your feet together and pull the ankles inward. Resting your elbows on the inside of your knees, lean forward from the waist, so that your elbows push your knees towards the floor. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds and repeat it 3 – 5 times

2. Hurdle Stretch – Stand with the healthy leg bent at the knee, toes pointed forward. Stretch the injured leg straight, out behind, flexing the foot so the toes point forward. As you bend the knee of the injured leg let your pelvis drop backwards towards the floor. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds and repeat it 3 – 5 times.

Traditional Home Remedies: Basil

Courtsey:Anjan K. Nath, Ph.D.

A curious sight in India during the 19th Century was that many Englishmen had adopted the use of a necklace made of the wood of the Basil plant like the ones worn by Hindu holymen. This was not to claim affinity to those over whom they ruled, but rather for more practical reasons for it was scientifically determined and proved that basil provides immunity to electrical impulses and hence acts as preventive to thunder-bolts (lightning). The plant itself is full of electrical energy and hence aids in stimulating blood-circulation. It is said that if one wears the stalk of the basil around the waist, the wearer will be free from afflictions of the waist, liver, spleen, and the generative organs. Because of this property, the basil-stalk necklaces are worn around the neck, hands, and over the heart; and, therefore, it is not surprising that the practice was adopted by the English.

Culpeper, the English physician of old makes a few interesting observations: "This is the herb which all authors are together about, and rail at one another (like lawyers). Galen and Dioscorides hold it not fitting to be taken inwardly; and Chrysippus rails at it with downright Billingsgate rhetoric; Pliny and the Arabian physicians defend it" (Complete Herbal 15). He further adds: was an herb of Mars, and under the scorpion, and perhaps therefore called basilicon, and it is no marvel if it carry a virulent quality with it. Being applied to the place bitten by venomous beasts, or stung by a wasp or hornet, it speedily draws the poison to it. Every like draws his like. Mizaldus affirms, that being laid to rot in horse-dung, it will breed venomous beasts. Hilarius, a French physician, affirms upon his own knowledge, that an acquaintance of his, by common smelling to it, had a scorpion bred in his brain.... To conclude. It expelleth both birth and after-birth: and as it helps the deficiency of Venus in one kind, so it spoils all her actions in another. I dare write no more of it. (15) So much for Culpeper.

In India, the basil (known as Tulsi or Vrinda) is widely used and several myths have grown out of its use both, as a medicinal herb and for religious purposes. The ancient treatises on Ayurveda speak highly of this plant saying that its regular use keeps palate, throat, teeth, gums, bronchus and lungs free of infection. Most traditional Hindu homes grow the plant and believe that an invisible oil permeates the atmosphere thus keeping it clean and free of germs. Further, no snake or scorpion will come near a basil plant and I have personally verified that it also keeps mosquitoes at bay. It is no wonder that the Hindus have accorded spiritual status to the plant and revere it almost as a deity. In fact, the basil is considered to be sacred by many and it is believed that this plant sprouted on its own over the grave of Christ. Christians in Eastern Europe still look upon the plant as a gift of Christ and on St. Basil's day, the womenfolk plant basil seedlings in their gardens with the same fervor as a religious rite. Taking a cue from Christ's resurrection, some even plant basil over the graves of their dear departed in the hope that it might revive the dead!

Uses of Basil
The uses of basil are many and varied. Most of its claims have been verified scientifically, while others remain in the borderline of scepticism and disbelief. The general uses for which it is prescribed as a home remedy ranges from the common cough and cold to blood-pressure symptoms and even paralysis and hemiplegia. I give below some of the more common ailments and their treatment with the use of basil alone or in combination with other herbs.

Grind equal amounts of the dried blossoms of basil, bark of the Neem (Margosa) tree, and black pepper into a homogenous mixture. Take a level teaspoonful of this powder morning and evening with a draft of water, but do not drink milk immediately after. The acidity will be removed from the body with the sweat and urine.
Blood pressure:
The drinking of basil-leaf tea keeps the blood pressure even.
Mix a little honey with the juice of the basil leaves and apply over the eyes every morning and evening. Fresh cases are dissolved without surgery, while chronic ones are rendered "ripe" so as to be surgically removed.
Colds & Cough:
Make a fine powder of the following:

--Basil leaves (dried in shade) 300 gms
--Cinnamon 50 gms
--Bey leaf 100 gms
--Aniseeds (fennel) 200 gms
--Cardamom 200 gms
--Red sandal-wood 200 gms
--Dried orange-peel 25 gms
Take two teaspoonfuls of this mixture and boil it with about 500 ml water till half the quantity of water is left. Add honey (and milk if preferred) and drink it like tea twice a day.
Add a little tincture of camphor to the juice of 10 leaves of basil. Instill a drop or two of the mixture in the ear for instant relief.
Eye troubles:
The juice of basil leaves mixed with honey is recommended for all sorts of eye troubles associated with pain and burning sensation. The mixture may be stored in an air-tight bottle. In the case of trachoma, grind ten leaves of basil with a clove and apply to the eyes every four hours. For swelling of the eyes, the juice of the leaves of basil with a pinch of alum applied to the eyes is prescribed.

Massage the body daily with the juice of basil leaves (a massage oil may be made with a mineral oil base and the essential oil of basil). Make a habit of smelling the blossoms of basil (essential oil of the blossoms) kept in a handkerchief; also grow a basil plant somewhere near the bedroom. During loss of consciousness during an attack, grind 11 leaves of basil, add a pinch of salt to it and instill a few drops of this juice in the nostrils of the patient.
Mix together 10 gms of basil juice, 10 gms of dry ginger and 20 gms of jaggery (raw sugar); make small tablets/pills/capsules from this mixture. Take a pill/capsule swallowed with a little water three times a day. It is advisable to either fast or to eat only easily digestible foods during the period of the treatment.
Female disorders:
Basil juice is a good tonic for women and its regular use keeps them free from the disorders of the female generative organs.
Boil about 10 gms of basil leaves in 250 ml water till the water is reduced to 125 ml, then add a little rock salt to taste. This tea produces immediate sweating and relieves the fever. An option is to drink tea made of basil leaves, black pepper, and candy sugar.
Add a little honey to the juice of 10 basil leaves and lick slowly. A spoonful is sufficient to restore the voice.
Hair loss:
Massage the scalp evenly with the oil of basil and after an hour or so wash the hair with cold water. Good for dandruff too.
Heart ailments:
As basil has a positive effect over blood pressure and also a de-toxicant, its regular use prevents heart attacks. A tonic may be prepared by mixing 1 gm of dry basil leaves with a spoonful of butter and some candy sugar or honey. Take twice a day; first thing in the morning and before going to bed at night. The wearing of a garland of basil stalks is said to prevent heart attacks. It was common to see Englishmen wearing these "necklaces" during the 19th century in India.
Smell the crushed leaves of basil and drink the juice of five basil leaves.
Crush a few basil leaves with a little rock salt and swallow with a little water. Drinking the tea made of dried basil leaves also gives quick relief by inducing sweating and urination.
The best solution to this tricky problem is to place a few leaves of basil inside the pillow; a specific number of 51 is prescribed, with 50 being placed inside the pillow case and the 51st being chewed upon by the patient. Basil leaves may also be placed around the corners and head of the bed under the bed sheet.
Massage the itching areas with the juice of basil leaves. In chronic cases, make a massage oil by mixing two parts of basil juice with one part of sesame/mineral oil and warming over a water bath; cool and store in a bottle. Use this oil for itches of any type for local relief. For a permanent cure, see a qualified Homoeopathic physician.
Add two teaspoons of basil juice to 50ml of radish juice; sweeten with a little jaggery (raw sugar). Drink this juice twice or three times a day for a month for total relief.
Kidney ailments:
Basil juice is unparalleled in the treatment of all sorts of kidney troubles. Soak overnight about 5-7 gms (one teaspoonful) of Basil seeds in water; next morning grind the seeds with candy sugar and drink the combination. Copious micturition will be induced and soon the congestion will be relieved and infection (if any) will be removed.
Leucoderma (vitiligo):
(a) To a little basil juice add a few drops of lime-juice and apply on the affected area.
(b) Grind 10gms of basil leaves with a clove of garlic and apply the paste on the affected area daily for 10 days. It is also advised to chew 5 basil leaves every morning, afternoon, and evening or licking a mixture of basil juice and honey in addition to the local application.
The tea made from dried basil leaves is an instant pick-me-up and drunk regularly, keeps one free from colds and other ailments associated with phlegm in the body.
Male sexual problems:
The regular consumption of basil leaves maintains an even blood pressure and keeps a man's urges well within control, making him neither lecherous nor impotent. Venereal diseases are said to be cured with the use of basil juice in combination with cardamom and yogurt drink. Further, the stalk of the basil plant worn around the waist prevents lower-back pain and maintains sexual health.
Dry some basil blossoms in the shade and grind to a fine powder; mix two grams of the powder with a dessert-spoonful of honey and lick it slowly. A second dose, if needed, may be taken in the evening. An excellent remedy, when others have failed (AKN)!
Grind 1gm of black pepper in 10 gms of basil juice and administer at two hour intervals for 5 to six days. In addition give the patient basil tea. The fever along with the malarial symptoms will be totally relieved in a couple of days. This treatment should be effective in Dengue too (AKN).
Nose-bleeding (epistaxis):
Keep some basil blossoms with you and smell them every now and again. In chronic cases, a drop of the essence of basil blossom put in the handkerchief and smelt at intervals cures the problem almost totally. Drinking basil juice with honey is also recommended.

Paralysis/hemiplegia :
Massage the affected limbs with the oil of basil or boil a few leaves of basil in 200ml of water; when cool, strain and use this water for massage. The internal intake of the juice is also recommended.
Rub the oil of basil on the chest of the patient and give internally the juice of 5 leaves of basil mixed with a little ground black pepper at six hourly intervals. This will induce sweating and relieve the patient.
Basil leaves' juice is an astringent and excellent tonic for the skin.
Sluggish liver:
Grind the following into a homogenous powder: Basil leaves 5 nos; Cummin seeds (roasted)2 gms; Rock salt (black)2 gms. To this mixture add an equal amount of the kernel of wood-apple and then combine the whole with 100 gms of yogurt and eat it with a meal or by itself. For most digestive disorders, a spoonful of a mixture of basil juice and ginger juice gives prompt relief.
Stones (bladder):
Make the patient sit on a steam bath prepared with about 100 gms of basil blossoms to a liter of water. Continue treatment daily for a week. Depending on the size and nature of the calculii, they should dissolve and be flushed out with the urine.
(1) Grind 5 gms each of basil leaves and black pepper; instill a drop of this in each nostril of the victim. (2) Grind the root of the basil plant in a little butter and apply on the bitten part. (3) Administer a spoonful of basil juice internally every hour.
Grind 5 gms each of basil leaves and black pepper and mix with a spoon of honey. The patient should take this twice daily for about two months. In the winter, a little ginger juice and a pinch of salt may also be added. Externally, a mixture of basil and ginger juice may be rubbed over the chest.
Urinary troubles:
Soak overnight about a teaspoonful of basil seeds in water and in the morning grind them with a little candy sugar and drink in two doses--morning and afternoon. A week's treatment should clear up all symptoms.
Whooping cough:
Grind together equal amounts of basil leaves and black pepper and add a little honey so as to have a consistency to make small tablets. These tablets, sucked slowly, should be taken four times a day. In the case of dry cough, take a mixture of equal amounts of the juices of basil seeds, ginger and onion. In the case of loose cough, add candy sugar.

Culpeper's Complete Herbal, and English Physician. Leicester: Magna Books, 1992.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcers!!

Painful ulcers or canker sores are sometimes found within the mouth. Usually there is only one ulcer, but occassionally several ulcers may develop at once. These may arise from several different causes, such as poor oral hygiene, nutritional deficiencies, worry, insufficient rest and heavy smoking. Any slight pressure on the gums may cause bleeding.

Ulcerations may form on the gums and about the mouth, particularly between the teeth. Swallowing and talking are painful, there may be excessive salivation and bad breath, and the inflammation may extend to the tonsils and throat. A mild fever may be present in this condition. The first sign of the sore may be a tingling, burning sensation inside the mouth. They can occur either singly or in groups. They are usually white or yellow in color, surrounded by red halos. Usually they heal within 7 to 10 days. The recurrent, bothersome form of mouth ulcers is known as recurrent apthous stomatitis or simply apthous ulcer. They take several more days to heal.

There may be a family history to develop canker sores, as they often run in families. Mouth ulcers may develop in response to a mouth injury such as dental procedures or aggressive tooth cleaning. Canker sores may also occur at the site of a bite when the tongue or cheek is bitten. They can be triggered by emotional stress, dietary deficiencies (especially iron, folic acid, or vitamin B12), menstrual periods, hormonal changes, food allergies, and similar situations. They occur most commonly with viral infections.

The membrane of the mouth may be very dry or exceedingly moist. There is pain on nursing, eating or drinking; the pain varies according to the condition or stage of the disease. The pains may be sharp or sticking if the mouth is dry or smarting and raw if the mouth is full of saliva. These ulcers may be broad and superficial or deep and narrow. Small ulcers may combine together and may form large ulcers on the side of the tongue or in the buccal cavities.

Severe Cases
Severe cases of ulcers in the mouth may require more strenuous treatments like antibiotics (tetracycline) or steroids (dexamethasone elixir). If the pain is particularly severe you may be given a local anesthetic such as lidocaine or the physician may cauterize the sores with a laser or silver nitrate to close them and to facilitate healing. Sulphuric acid solutions like debacterol may also be used as a treatment.


Remedies for Canker sores
Some of the effective home remedies for canker sores are as follows:- Rinse your mouth with aloe juice frequently

Put some alum on the canker sores. Repeat this twice a day. It helps to relieve the pain and quickens healing. Apply some baking powder on the sores. It could be used either in the powdered form or in the paste form. It will reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth, Rinse your mouth several times a day by a mouthwash prepared by mixing one tsp. of baking soda in half cup of warm water, Prepare a mouthwash by putting 5 to 6 drops of Grapefruit seed extract in a glass of water. Rinse your mouth with this at least once in a day. It is an excellent disinfectant, Prepare a mouthwash using three parts of water and one part of hydrogen peroxide. Use this mouthwash twice a day,

Onion is another excellent home remedy for canker sores. Apply some raw onions to the sores, Rinse your mouth with plum juice. If the sore is too bad then apply the juice on the sore using a cotton ball, Eat fresh papaya fruit or chew fresh papaya leaves. If fresh papaya leaves or papaya fruits are not available then you can also use papaya tablets, Gargle your mouth with a solution made by mixing 1 tsp soda and 1 pinch of salt in a cup of warm water, Apply tea tree oil to the sores, Rinse your mouth three to four times a day with a solution made by mixing 2 tbsp. salt to 6 ounces of warm water, Apply some powdered Goldenseal powder to the sore or rinse your mouth with a mouthwash prepared by mixing ½ tsp Goldenseal powder to ¼ tsp salt and 1 cup of warm water.

Eat plenty of salad with raw onions. Onions contain sulfur and have healing properties.
Diet should include yogurt and other soured products, such as cottage cheese, and buttermilk.
Prepare a solution by adding 2 oz hydrogen peroxide, 2 oz water, and 1 tsp each of salt and baking soda. Rinse the mouth with this solution. Do not swallow. This is very useful home remedy for mouth ulcers.
Rinse your mouth with milk of magnesia to coat sores.
Orange juice is helpful in preventing the canker sores of the mouth. Drink it up in 2 or 3 days it will go away. Lack of vitamin C causes them. You can also take Vitamin C pills if you don't want to drink all that orange juice.
Cover the ulcer with a wet tea bag; the tannin will help dry up the sore.
Mix Sodium bicarbonate powder with water. It is a very effective first aid remedy. This mixture can be used as a mouth rinse as well as swallowed to help make the body more alkaline.
Use a toothpaste containing sodium bicarbonate instead of the standard toothpastes high in fluoride and other chemicals.
Antacids can soothe canker sores by reducing the acidity in your mouth that can irritate them.
Combine equal parts of the liquid form of Kaopectate or Milk of Magnesia (both antacids) with Benylin or Benadryl (both mild anesthetics). Apply the mixture to the canker sore with a cotton swab. You'll cut down on painful acidity in your mouth and numb the sore too.
Try stress-relieving acupressure exercises. Avoid constant stress. Take time to exercise, sleep and relax.
Avoid eating fish or meat of any kind for two weeks. The consumption of animal protein increases the body's acidity, which slows healing.
Avoid chewing gum, lozenges, mouthwashes, tobacco, coffee, citrus fruits, and any other foods that you know trigger these sores.
Avoid hard toothbrush bristles or sharp-edged foods such as potato chips or dry bread crusts. Too much acid from fruits and vegetables, and spicy foods can also trigger mouth sores.
Keep the bowels regular to prevent toxic buildup. Walk regularly walking in fresh air to oxygenate the body and stimulate bowel movement.
To avoid getting canker sores, it is important to maintain a proper balance of minerals, acidity, and alkalinity in the body.
For mouth ulcer treatment do not use the same toothbrush for longer than one month.
Application of peppermint oil helps, as it is an anesthetic agent.
For mouth ulcer treatment mix coconut milk with honey and massage the gums 3 times a day.
Take 1 tsp finely powdered Indian Gooseberry root bark, mix with honey. Apply to affected areas frequently
Grate some fresh coconut. Extract the milk and gargle with this 3-4 times a day.
Keep 1 glass of chilled water and 1 glass of hot water ready at hand. Gargle alternately with hot and cold water.
Boil 2 cups of water. Add 1-cup fenugreek leaves and remove. Cover and keep for sometime. Strain the water and gargle 2-3 times a day. This is also very useful home remedy for mouth ulcers.
Boil 1 tsp of coriander seeds in 1 cup of water. Remove when slightly warm gargle. Repeat 3-4 times a day.
Chew on 5-6 tulsi (holy basil leaves) and sip some water. Repeat 5-6 times a day.
Raw tomatoes help rid mouth ulcers. Gargle with tomato juice 3-4 times a day also helps.
Mix 7 parts of sugar candy (mishri) with 1 part of camphor. Apply on the blister.
Mix a pinch of turmeric powder to 1 teaspoon of glycerin and apply.
Avoid hot or spicy foods to minimize discomfort. Mild mouth washes such as salt water or over-the-counter mouthwashes may help.
For mouth ulcer treatment apply hydrogen peroxide (1 part hydrogen peroxide and one part water with a cotton swab) on the canker sore
Pouring salt directly on the ulcer can prove effective, however this can be extremely painful and can scar.
Rinse mouth and especially the affected area with sage tea 3 times a day. The improvement can be seen within 24 hours.
Gargle a mouthful of warm vinegar with half tablespoon of salt for about 30 secs, 3 times a day. Extremely painful but healing can be seen in about 2 days.
Make a paste of baking soda and water—apply directly to the sores

Diet for Canker sores
Eat foods rich in vitamin B. Foods like whole grain and green leafy vegetables are good sources of vitamin B. Eat easily digestible foods, well cooked soft grains and light cooked vegetables. Eat yogurt daily. Active acidophilus in yogurt helps to heal and prevent the outbreak of canker sores. Avoid foods like coffee, citrus fruits and spices, as they may irritate your mouth. Spicy and acidic foods increase the pain; it is advisable to avoid them. Avoid hard foods like chips, wafers and nuts. Avoid diary products, salty foods, sweet foods, oily foods, and animal protein.

Suggestions for Canker sores
Do not eat and chew simultaneously. Brush your teeth regularly after meals. Application of ice eases the pain caused by Canker sores.

When Do I Need to Visit a Dentist?
Be aware that ulcers in the mouth can indicate more serious conditions including the yeast infection known as thrush and other oral inflammatory disorders. Even problems in the bowel, like ulcerative colitis can cause outbreaks in the mouth. As a general rule of thumb, if your mouth ulcers do not respond to home remedies, do not heal after two weeks, or immediately reappear, it would be a good idea to visit your dental care physician.

Thankfully, however, aphthous stomatitis rarely represents a serious problem. Normally ulcers in the mouth are an irritation, albeit a painful one, that will respond to time and to simple home remedies.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Cholestrol Control!!

You may have noticed that beef and eggs have become four-letter words. It's all because of cholesterol, a substance that's gotten a reputation for breaking more hearts than a high school prom queen.

But cholesterol isn't entirely bad. The human body actually needs it--and produces it--to help protect nerves and build new cells and hormones. In fact, our bodies get all the cholesterol they need by making it on their own. The trouble starts when we add to the cholesterol our bodies produce, which can happen when we eat the all-American diet of cheeseburgers, steaks, pizza, ice cream or any food that is or includes an animal product.

Excess cholesterol settles along arterial walls, and that excess can clog arteries and restrict blood flow, leading to angina pain, heart attack or stroke. (Cholesterol is also a leading cause of gallstones.)

If your doctor has determined that you have high levels of cholesterol in your blood, you probably have been told the importance of limiting or eliminating it--which means reducing or avoiding its only dietary sources: meat, eggs, dairy products and the foods that contain them. But here are some other ways to control your cholesterol with diet.

Stock up on vitamin E. Scientists have discovered that we have both good (high-density lipoprotein, or HDL) and bad (low-density lipoprotein, or LDL) cholesterol running through our bloodstream. Consuming 400 international units of vitamin E each day may help keep the bad cholesterol from oxidizing-an internal "rusting" process that causes the cholesterol to harden into arterial plaque, which in turn causes heart disease. Vitamin E also raises the level of good cholesterol.

"Taking vitamin E supplements helps prevent the cholesterol in your body from plaquing, so it does less damage," says Karen E. Burke, M.D., Ph.D., a dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon in New York City who has studied the various effects of vitamin E. Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, nuts and grains, but it would be very difficult to obtain 400 international units daily from diet alone. Be sure to check with your doctor, though, before beginning a supplement program.

Eat breakfast every morning. Breakfast skippers tend to have higher cholesterol levels than those who start off their mornings with a bellyful, according to studies. One reason may be that breakfast skippers make up for missing the morning feast by munching on unhealthy snacks later on, suggests John L. Stanton, Ph.D., professor of food marketing at St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia.
Research also shows that those who eat ready-to-eat cereal for breakfast have lower cholesterol levels than those choosing other morning entrées.

Nibble throughout the day. One way to lower your cholesterol is simply to change how often you eat. Research has shown that large meals trigger the release of large amounts of insulin, according to David Jenkins, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Clinical Nutrition and Risk Factor Modification Center at St. Michael's Hospital at the University of Toronto. Insulin release in turn stimulates the production of an enzyme that increases cholesterol production by the liver.

Having smaller, more frequent meals (but not increasing overall calories) may limit insulin release and play a role in cholesterol control and heart disease prevention, speculates Dr. Jenkins.

Add vitamin C to your menu. Other vitamins and minerals also have a beneficial effect on cholesterol. Research by Paul Jacques, Sc.D., an epidemiologist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston, shows that people with diets high in vitamin C tend to have higher HDL levels. Vitamin C is especially beneficial when you get it from fruits and vegetables that also have a cholesterol-lowering fiber called pectin. Pectin surrounds cholesterol and helps transport it out of your digestive system before it gets into your blood. Vitamin C-rich, pectin-rich foods include citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, apples and spinach.

Go heavy on garlic. Vampires aren't the only thing garlic keeps away. In large doses--at least seven cloves daily--this food can significantly reduce cholesterol. Of course, that's probably more garlic than most people eat in a month. To get a similar benefit, try odorless garlic pills. When people with moderately high cholesterol took four capsules a day of an odorless liquid garlic extract called Kyolic, their cholesterol levels initially rose but then fell an average of 44 points after six months, according to a research study headed by Benjamin Lau, M.D., Ph.D., at Loma Linda University School of Medicine in Loma Linda, California. You can find garlic pills at most health food stores.

Don't depend on decaf. Decaffeinated coffee actually raises LDL levels more than regular brew, so its the worst beverage selection if you have high cholesterol, according to Dr. Jenkins. It may be because the beans used for decaf are stronger than "regular" beans. Frequent coffee drinkers (those who drink it daily) typically have a 7 percent cholesterol increase, as shown in a study at Stanford University in Stanford, California.

Gravitate toward grapes. There's a cholesterol-lowering compound in virtually all products containing grape skin, including wine, according to pomologist Leroy Creasy, Ph.D., of Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences in Ithaca, New York. You can take advantage of these cholesterol-clobbering qualities by drinking grape juice or simply eating grapes.

Reach for grapefruit. In a study conducted by James Cerda, M.D., a gastroenterologist and professor of medicine at the University of Florida Health Science Center in Gainesville, people who ate at least 1 1/2 cups of grapefruit sections every day lowered their cholesterol over 7 percent in two months. Grapefruit is among the fruits that contain cholesterol-lowering pectin.

Cook up some beans. Lima beans, kidney beans, navy beans, soybeans and other legumes can all help lower your cholesterol, according to James W. Anderson, M.D., an expert in cholesterol research who is professor of medicine and clinical nutrition at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine in Lexington. The reason these high-fiber legumes are so effective is because they, too, contain pectin. The more of these beans you can eat, the greater the benefits.

In one study, Dr. Anderson asked men to eat 1 1/2 cups of cooked beans a day. The result? Their cholesterol plummeted 20 percent in just three weeks. You probably won't go for much, but the more beans, the better--and high-fiber diets have many other benefits besides. Look for a cookbook or two that have great recipes with beans, and try to get more in your diet.

Munch a couple of carrots. Bugs Bunny's favorite entrée is a boon to arteries, because carrots have plenty of cholesterol-lowering pectin. "It may be possible for people with high cholesterol to lower it 10 to 20 percent just by eating two carrots a day," says Peter D. Hoagland, Ph.D., a researcher at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Eastern Regional Research Center in Philadelphia.

Understanding Cholesterol Lingo
If all this talk about good and bad cholesterol is confusing, take heart. Here's how to understand it.
Serum cholesterol is the amount of this fatty substance in your bloodstream. Your serum cholesterol is what your doctor measures in a cholesterol test. A reading under 200 is desirable; a reading over 240 may be dangerous and is cause for concern.
Dietary cholesterol is what you eat. For instance, an egg has 213 milligrams; an apple has none. The American Heart Association recommends that you eat no more than 300 milligrams a day.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the bad cholesterol that clogs arteries. The lower your LDL, the better.
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is the good cholesterol that scours artery walls and helps remove harmful LDL. The higher your HDL, the better.

Home remedies for cholesterol #1: Mix 1 tsp. of roasted chicory root.
1 tsp. of lime flowers.
½ tsp. of fenugreek seeds.
½ tsp. of ginger rhizome.
1 quart of water.
Boil all ingredients, let it cool, strain. Drink 2 cups a day.

Home remedies for cholesterol #2: Eat Garlic or take 1 capsule twice a day. It lowers LDL cholesterol level in 12% and increases HDLs.
Home remedies for cholesterol #3: Niacin is particularly helpful in lowering cholesterol. However, inositol hexaniacinate is an even better and safer form of niacin. Inositol hexaniacinate is composed of one molecule of inositol and six molecules of niacin. Inositol hexaniacinate has been used in Europe for over thirty years to lower cholesterol levels. Inositol hexaniacinate yields slightly better results than standard niacin and is better tolerated because it is flush free and doesn't have any long-term side effects on the liver or blood sugar control.
Home remedies for cholesterol #4:Chromium is vital in the synthesis of cholesterol, fats and protein. Chromium maintains stable blood sugar levels through proper insulin utilization and can be helpful for people with diabetes and/or hypoglycemia. Studies have shown that low plasma chromium levels can be an indication of coronary artery disease. Take 400 mcg. a day of chromium picolinate to improve HDL to LDL ratio.
Home remedies for cholesterol #5:Taking Vitamin C with bioflavonoids 4000 mg. a day lowers cholesterol.

Home remedies for cholesterol #6:Ginger reduces cholesterol and thins the blood improving circulation
Home remedies for cholesterol #7:Guggul reduces LDL by 35% increases HDL by 20 % in 12 weeks, prevents arteriosclerosis. It performs better then many drugs in several studies.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.