Saturday, September 15, 2007

Stop Snoring Tips

The following tips will hopefully give you relief with your snoring problems. It's important to remember that different remedies will have varying success depending on the individual.
  • Elevate your head by sleeping on a thicker pillow or multiple pillows will help reduce your snoring.
  • Don't drink alcoholic beverages, take sleeping pills, tranquilizers, or antihistamines right before going to sleep, they will cause your muscles to relax and limit your air passage way.
  • Avoid dairy products, which can cause mucus build-up right before you go to sleep.
  • If you are overweight, losing some weight will reduce snoring by increasing the space in your air passage way.
  • Sleeping on your side instead of your back will help to prevent snoring.
  • A common remedy to prevent sleeping on your back is to sew a tennis ball to the back of your shirt; the discomfort of sleeping on the ball will prevent you from staying on your back.
Try following a regular sleep routine.
  • Try taking in a little bit of honey before sleeping.
  • Don't eat a big meal right before bed, if your stomach is full it will push up on your diaphragm and limit breathing passage ways.
  • Avoid eating "rich" foods such as cakes, cookies, chocolate and pizza.
  • Sleep on a firmer pillow, a pillow that's too soft encourages your throat muscles to relax and narrows your air passageway.
  • Inhale steam before sleeping or sleep in a room with a humidifier turned on, which will reduce congestion and moisturize the throat.
  • Purchase some nasal strips and put them on before going to sleep. Nasal strips will open up your nostrils and allow more air to come in, thus reduce snoring.
  • If you are a smoker, stop smoking, if that is not feasible then avoid smoking right before you go to bed. Smoking causes inflammation and swelling of the throat.
  • Take anti-snoring pills or use anti-snoring nasal spray
  • Consult a medical profesional if your snoring continues to adversely affect your sleep.

Weight Loss Tips!!

1. Weigh yourself at least once a week. If you are serious about weight loss, consider buying a battery powered digital scale.

2. Before you start your weight loss diet, take your body measurements around your bust, waist, hips, upper arms and thighs. Check them every month.

3. To set realistic achievable goals, quantify the results you desire.
  • I will lose ten pounds in two months.
  • When I get home I will walk for 20-30 minutes.
  • I will eat 2 servings of fresh fruit everyday.
  • Post your weight loss goals on or near your bathroom mirror.
4. Read the "warning" label of nutritional facts on all foods and beverages you buy. Avoid trans fats and high fructose corn syrup. Buy grape juice instead of grape drink. Grape drink is sugar water with grape flavoring. Pay attention to calories per serving. If you watch what you eat 90% of the time, the other 10% is not a problem.

5. Eat more fiber. Eat Raisin Bran or Oatmeal for breakfast. Buy wholegrain/wholewheat bread. Look for wheat pasta - Barilla Plus. Fiber makes us feel full faster, lowers cholesterol and keeps us regular. Fiber makes it easier to achieve our weight loss goals.

6. Watch your portion size, especially when eating out. Instead of ice cream for desert or snacks, try individual cups of Luigi's Real Italian Ice or Sunshine Ice Cup Flavored Shaved Ice. Thaw briefly in the microwave for 10 seconds.

7. Stop eating the second you feel full. Eat until you are satisfied, not until you are stuffed, regardless of what is still on your plate. Eat slowly. Relax. Don't eat your kid's leftovers when you clear the table or use food as a reward. Learning to recognize when you have eaten enough (and acting on it) is the primary key to weight loss.

8. Eat soup 3 times a week. It helps speed up your metabolism and reduces hunger cravings. It is the best way to eat your vegetables. At the store, buy a large bag of frozen mixed vegetables, navy beans or lentils, and flavor with onions, garlic salt, chili pepper, soup bones or chicken wings. Consider adding cabbage and rice. If eating canned soup, try Bean with Bacon, Black Bean soup or Clam Chowder. Don't forget to soak your beans and lentils first.

9. Avoid fried foods and steam, broil or bake your meat, chicken and fish. When eating out, avoid donuts, french fries and KFC fried chicken.

10. Substitute olive oil for other fats, plain yogurt for sour cream and Dijon mustard for mayonnaise whenever possible. Forget about buying low fat 1%, 2% or skim milk. Most adults don't drink that much milk anyway. It is far better not to drink sodas and soft drinks. Drink more orange juice. Treat yourself with a small glass of red wine an hour before bedtime. Better yet, mix it with a glass of orange juice.

11. Memorize these weight loss affirmations and denials. Remember, our thoughts control our bodies and our circumstances.
  • My body is a temple - not a warehouse.
  • I am not in bondage to food cravings.
  • It is no sin to be thin.
  • I am slim and trim.
  • It's my fate to take off weight.