Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Home Remedies For Eye Problems!!

How very precious our eyes and vision are to each of us. Agreed? Agreed! Then what have you done for your eyes lately? Do you know there's eye food, eye-strengthening exercises, an acupressure eyestrain reliever, eyewashes to help brighten those baby blues, browns, grays or greens, and natural healing alternatives?

We once noticed a sign in an optometrist' s office that said-"If you don't see what you want, you're in the right place."

Likewise. So read the following eye care suggestions, or get someone to read them to you.

Bloodshot Eyes
If you don't drink in excess and you get enough sleep, but still have bloodshot eyes on a regular basis, you may be bothered by your contacts, allergic to the eye makeup you wear or you may be deficient in vitamin B2 (riboflavin) . Take 15 mg ofB2 daily. You might also want to have a tablespoon of brewer's yeast every day.

Use any of the eyewashes listed on page 80, and you might want to try the grated potato remedy listed under "Black Eyes" on page 29.

When the lens of your eye becomes opaque (cloudy)-which occurs from old age, injury or a systemic disease like diabetes-then you have a cataract.
There are revolutionary new methods of removing cataracts, where the patient walks in and out of the doctor's office within a few hours. Cataracts should definitely be treated and removed by a qualified health professional.

Natural Home remedies
While you're checking into today's modern techniques, you might want to try one or more of the following natural remedies to give you some relief until the cataract is professionally removed. . .

Mind Your Bs and Cs
Research scientists have found that a deficiency of vitamin B2(riboflavin) can cause cataracts. So it serves to reason that B2 supplements should help to prevent cataracts and may also clear up existing conditions.

Brewer's yeast is the richest source of riboflavin. Take 1 tablespoon a day and/or 15mg of vitamin B2. Along with a B2 vitamin, take a B-complex vitamin to avoid high urinary losses of B vitamins. Also, eat foods high in vitamin B 2-broccoli, salmon, beans, wheat germ, turnip tops and beets.

Vitamin C prevents damage in the watery portions of cells, particularly in the cornea and retina. A Tufts University study reported that women who supplemented their diets with 325 mg of vitamin C daily were 77% less likely to develop cataracts than women who did not supplement.

Take 1,000 mg of vitamin C every day or eat foods that contain it, such as broccoli, sweet potatoes, citrus fruits and bell peppers.

NOTE: To get the most benefit from eye drops, gently pull out your lower lid and let the liquid drop into the eye pocket. Then keep your eyes closed for about two minutes after putting in the drops. This will prevent the blinking process from pumping the drops out of your eyes.

For five minutes each day, massage the base of the index and middle (second and third) fingers, as well as the webs between those fingers. The right hand helps the right eye and the left hand helps the left eye.

Home Remedies For Eye Inflammation

Peel and slice an overripe apple. Put the pieces of pulp over your closed eyes, holding the pieces in place with a bandage or strip of cloth. Leave it on at least a half-hour to help alleviate irritation and inflammation.
A poultice of either grated raw potato, fresh mashed papaya pulp or mashed cooked beets is soothing and promotes healing. Apply the poultice for 15 minutes, twice a day.

Fashion Statement
Reuse steeped tea bags. Make sure they're moist and cool enough to apply to the closed eyelids for 15 minutes. (This remedy is a favorite for fashion models who wake up puffyeyed.) .
Crush a tablespoon of fennel seeds and add it to a pint of just-boiled water. Let it steep for 15 minutes, then dunk cotton pads in the liquid and place them over your eyelids for about 15 minutes.
Theres an herb called horsetail that is helpful for inflamed eyes.

Steep 1 teaspoon of dried horsetail in hot water for 10 minutes. Saturate cotton pads with it and apply the pads to your eyelids for 10 minutes. Redunk the pads in the liquid, then keep them on your eyes for another 10 minutes. Repeat again after half an hour, and the inflammation should start calming down.
Freshly sliced cucumber placed on eyelids for about 15 minutes is soothing and healing.